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Virtually Adopt a Goose

Virtually Adopt a Goose

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
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Virtual adoption for geese. This is a perfect gift and can be sent directly to gift recipient. You'll receive a CWR T-shirt (options vary), CWR sticker (options vary), adoption certificate, picture(s) and story of your adopted animal. * Please leave a note if you would like the name area on adoption certificate to be left blank or list the name you would like added to certificate*

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Mr. Greg - Greg is a buff goose. He was owner surrendered and came to the rescue to make friends. He has a mate and raises goslings every year as a foster parent.

Clarence - Clarence was the pet of a lady who died and the family turned Clarence loose on a pond. He was attacked by a snapping turtle, shot by a neighbor and was brought to another center where they sent him to us. So he has been through quite an ordeal. He was scared at first but has grown to love the rescue and feels safe now. He is a volunteer favorite.

Romeo - Romeo and his mate Juliet were dumped on our front porch in a cardboard box without so much as a note. Romeo was named because he is amorous with the (human) ladies. He is also a volunteer favorite and likes to get attention.

Captain - This is Captain, an African goose who was abandoned and picked up by our rescue team. He was a loner when he came in, but now has a new wife Tennille. They spearhead raising orphaned goslings and Captain is known for his outstanding dewlap.

Chucky- Chucky was named Charlie Brown but the nickname Chucky stuck. His gals Lucy and Sally are part of his gang as well as his buddy Fred. Chucky was dumped at a park in Wilmington NC. Skywatch bird rescue was doing an exhibit there and he walked up and plopped down on their volunteers lap. Chucky and Sally were sent to live at the rescue. He is another volunteer favorite.

Baby Face-Rescuers in Tennessee discovered Babyface along with several pekin ducks in a park near a golf course. Because they were at risk of predator attacks, the rescuers took them in and brought them to Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. After arriving at the rescue, Babyface developed a reputation as something of a gossip. He will come running when he sees you, honking about the latest news. He quickly bonded with Louie.

Louie-Dumped at a pond, Louie was found malnourished and injured after a devastating alligator attack. His chest was badly scarred, and a chunk was missing from the bottom of his beak. Louie learned to walk again with the help of a specialized goose wheelchair and has since recovered from almost all signs of attack. He is a very loving and talkative goose; he comes when called and has a “can-do” attitude. He is bonded with Babyface.

Forest and Jenny- Forest quickly rose to fame after hatching on the 6th of May in 2022. The nest that contained soon-to-be Forest had come to the rescue in danger. On May 4th, 2022, the lone survivor, a little dewlap buff Toulouse goose, made his big debut. His hatch-day did not come without complications. Forest had inflamed tissue on his abdomen that posed the threat of infection. CWR kept a close watch over him, dedicating many hours to monitoring his treatment and recovery. Given a new chance at life, the little guy beamed with a newfound energy, exploring, and running as far as his little webbed feet would allow, earning him the name Forest. He resides at CWR alongside his childhood pal, Jenny, an orphaned baby gosling, that was brought to the rescue in 2022. The two have become inseparable since they first met.

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